Nothing, last week launched the Ear (Stick) in India and in various global markets. The Ear (Stick) was launched at a price of Rs 8,499 in India. Thanks to the overwhelming response to the product, Nothing India Vice President Manu Sharma has announced a special discount for loyal users.
As per the announced offer, anyone who owns a Nothing product such as Ear (1) (review) or Phone (1) (review) can avail of a special discount of Rs 1,000. The discount will be exclusive to Flipkart only. Buyers can use the discount to purchase Ear (Stick) on November 14 at 12 PM during the limited drops. Further, they can also wait for open sales and use it anytime from November 17 at 12 PM.
As a thank you, our supporters can experience Ear (stick) for less. We are giving ₹1000 off on Ear (stick), only on Flipkart, exclusively to anyone who owns a @Nothing product.
— Manu Sharma (@buildingnothing) November 3, 2022
The product was launched at a price of Rs 8,499 in the country and with the special discount, it can be purchased at Rs 7,499 on Flipkart. Users who have purchased any Nothing device in the past will get the offer in their account directly.