Realme has launched multiple smartphones so far in India. The company has unveiled its GT 2 series as its premium offering alongside the Realme 9 series, which sits in its mid-range portfolio. The company might refresh its C-series lineup soon. MySmartPrice has learned from its industry sources about the launch of the Realme C30.
Our sources have also informed us about the device’s key specifications and features. Realme will launch the budget smartphone in two storage options. The device’s RAM and colour details have also been revealed. Let’s take a look at the Realme C30 specifications, features and other details known so far.
Realme C30 Colour, RAM, Storage Options
Realme will launch the new C30 as its budget smartphone soon. Our industry sources tell us that the budget phone will launch in India in June. The exact launch date remains unknown at the moment. While we wait for that, our sources have also informed us about the device’s RAM, storage and colour options.
The Realme C30 will launch in two storage options. The base model will have 2GB of RAM and offer 32GB of internal storage. There will also be a 3GB RAM option, which will offer 32GB of internal storage. Considering the phone will launch with 2GB of RAM, we can expect it to launch with Android Go Edition out of the box.
Coming to the colour options, the phone will launch in three colours. The C30 will launch in Denim Black, Lake Blue, and Bamboo Green colours.
The phone has not been launched in international markets. Therefore, there is no word on other specifications and features at the moment. The phone will sit below the C31, which was launched earlier this year. Therefore, we can expect the phone to offer an HD+ LCD, a 5000 mAh battery and maybe even a Unisoc processor. More details should surface online in the coming days.