Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Redmi Note 10 Pro Max in India earlier this year. These devices were unveiled with Android 11 out of the box, featuring MIUI 12 on top. A few days ago, the Chinese smartphone maker released Android 11-based MIUI 12.5 update for the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Note 10 Pro Max in India. This update was initially available for MIUI Pilot Testers. Now, the company seems to have started rolling out the MIUI 12.5.1 stable update for all the Redmi Note 10 Pro, Note 10 Pro Max users in India. Xiaomi also has released Android 11 update for the Mi 10i smartphone in India. Let’s check out ahead the new features that comes baked in MIUI 12.5:
MIUI 12.5 Update Rolling Out To Redmi Note 10, Note 10 Pro Max in India
The MIUI 12.5 update that is being rolled out to the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Note 10 Pro Max is of 732MB in size. This new software update that is being rolled out to the Redmi Note 10, Note 10 Pro Max carries build version as The changelog mentioned in this stable release is same as that of the pilot release. Several users have confirmed the release of the MIUI 12.5 stable update for the Redmi Note 10 Pro and the Note 10 Pro Max on Twitter yesterday. You can head over to Settings >> About Phone >> Software Update to check if you have received this new software build. Alternatively, if you have not received this new update, you can download the ROM from here, and flash this build manually on your smartphone.