Xiaomi is said to launch the Redmi Note 11 series for global markets with Qualcomm Snapdragon processor sometime in Q1 2022. The Chinese tech giant had launched the Redmi Note 11 5G series consisting of Redmi Note 11 5G, Redmi Note 11 Pro 5G, and Redmi Note 11 Pro+ 5G back in October in China. The brand recently launched the Redmi Note 11 4G handset in China. All four existing Redmi Note 11 series devices are powered by MediaTek processors. Now, a new leak by ThePixel reveals that the upcoming Redmi Note 11 4G Global variant will be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 processor. Let us take a look at the details,
The report by ThePixel further claims that the upcoming Redmi Note 11 4G Global variant will retail for about $199 (approx Rs. 15,068) for the base 4GB of RAM and 64GB of storage. Redmi Note 11 4G Global variant is said to launch in other memory storage configurations such as 6GB+128GB and 8GB+128GB. However, the report hasn’t revealed the pricing of other variants.