Samsung is all set to launch its next M-series smartphone, the Galaxy M32 in India on June 21. The launch of this upcoming handset and pricing details were tipped by an IANS report a few days ago. The device key specification and design details are now revealed by Amazon ahead of launch. If we go by the preliminary details disclosed by the e-commerce giant, we can see that the Galaxy M32 will come with a water-drop notch display. The phone will sport a 6.4-inch FHD+ AMOLED display with a 90Hz refresh rate. The device will feature a 64MP quad-camera setup and a 20MP front-facing camera. The smartphone will house a massive 6000mAh battery that might offer up to 15W fast charging support.
Samsung Galaxy M32 Specifications, Features
As mentioned above, Samsung has officially confirmed the launch date of the Galaxy M32 in India as June 21st. The device will be unveiled on June 21st at 12 PM. The design of the M32 and its key specification is revealed by Amazon listing ahead of launch. The Galaxy M32 will feature a 6.4-inch Infinity-U AMOLED display with a FHD+ resolution. The display panel will have a 90Hz refresh rate and 800 nits brightness. Under the hood, the device is expected to come with a MediaTek Helio G85 chipset. The smartphone is tipped to launch in 4GB/6GB RAM options with 64GB/128GB of onboard storage. On the software front, we can expect the M32 to run Android 11 out of the box with OneUI 3.1 skin.
As for the imaging purpose, the Amazon listing reveals that the device will feature a quad-camera setup. The smartphone will sport a 64MP primary main camera. The other three sensors the device is expected to include could be an 8MP ultra-wide lens, and a 5MP depth and macro camera unit. For selfies and video-calling, the M32 will feature a 20MP camera. The device will draw power from a 6000mAh battery. The phone is likely tipped to offer 15W fast-charging support. As for the connectivity purpose, the device shall offer dual-SIM support, 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth, GPS, and a USB Type-C port. The handset is said to launch in the Black, White, and Blue colour option.
As far as the pricing of the M32 goes, the device could be priced in between Rs 15000 to Rs 20,000 in India. We should get to learn more details of this upcoming handset like exact pricing, detailed specifications, and availability information once it launches in India on June 21st.