Samsung is set to launch a new Galaxy M-series smartphone very soon. The company has confirmed the launch of the Galaxy M32 in India on June 21. It is confirmed to feature a 6000 mAh battery and an AMOLED display. It will have a 90Hz refresh rate display. The device will also come with a 64MP quad-camera setup on the back inside the square-shaped camera module. Samsung will unveil more details at the launch event. Ahead of the official unveiling, the device has visited the Google Play Console certification website. Let’s take a look at the Samsung Galaxy M32 specifications, features, and other details.
Samsung Galaxy M32 Google Play Console
Samsung Galaxy M32 launch in India is set for June 21. Ahead of the launch, the device is listed on the Google Play Console website. The listing reveals some of the key specifications of the upcoming Samsung smartphone. It will draw power from a MediaTek MT6769T, which is the codename for the Helio G80 SoC. However, reports have suggested that the device will launch in India with a slightly more powerful MediaTek Helio G85 SoC. The variant spotted on the Google Play Console website has 6GB of RAM and features Mali G52 GPU. It has a Full FHD+ display with a 1080 x 2009 resolution. The device runs Android 11 out of the box. We can expect it to have a layer of OneUI 3.0 on top of the Android mobile operating system.