WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging platform from Meta will stop working on over 40+ devices from December 31st. The Meta-owned platform often releases end of support list and adds newer devices to the supported list and by this year-end, WhatsApp is eliminating support for over 40 phones including phones from popular brands like Apple and Samsung.
The reason for the company to stop supporting these devices is that the software version on the below-mentioned phones is too old and they won’t be able to keep the app running smoothly as WhatsApp intends. The list contains two Apple iPhones and the rest of them are Android phones – all of which are quite old. Let’s take a look at the complete list of devices that are set to lose WhatsApp support after December 31st.
WhatsApp to End Support for These Devices After December 31st
- iPhone 5
- iPhone 5c
- Archos 53 Platinum
- Grand S Flex ZTE
- Grand X Quad V987 ZTE
- HTC Desire 500
- Huawei Ascend D
- Huawei Ascend D1
- Huawei Ascend D2
- Huawei Ascend G740
- Huawei Ascend Mate
- Huawei Ascend P1
- Quad XL
- Lenovo A820
- LG Enact
- LG Lucid 2
- LG Optimus 4X HD
- LG Optimus F3
- LG Optimus F3Q
- LG Optimus F5
- LG Optimus F6
- LG Optimus F7
- LG Optimus L2 II
- LG Optimus L3 II
- LG Optimus L3 II Dual
- LG Optimus L4 II
- LG Optimus L4 II Dual
- LG Optimus L5
- LG Optimus L5 Dual
- LG Optimus L5 II
- LG Optimus L7
- LG Optimus L7 II
- LG Optimus L7 II Dual
- LG Optimus Nitro HD
- Memo ZTE V956
- Samsung Galaxy Ace 2
- Samsung Galaxy Core
- Samsung Galaxy S2
- Samsung Galaxy S3 mini
- Samsung Galaxy Trend II
- Samsung Galaxy Trend Lite
- Samsung Galaxy Xcover 2
- Sony Xperia Arc S
- Sony Xperia miro
- Sony Xperia Neo L
- Wiko Cink Five
- Wiko Darknight ZT
As you can see from the list, a total of 47 smartphones will lose support for WhatsApp after December 31, 2022. Apart from two iPhone models, the list consists of multiple LG and Samsung phones as well. The list contains smartphones that are too old and so, we are expecting a minor crowd to get affected by this move. However, if you are still the owner of any of the phones mentioned above, you will have to get a new phone in 2023 to use the WhatsApp app.