God of War Finally Comes to PC Thanks to Sony PlayStation Now, But There’s a Catch

PC players can now experience Kratos' and Atreus' journey through PS Now.


There is absolutely no question as to whether God of War belongs amongst the most generation-defining video games of all-time. The 2018 soft reboot of the franchise saw Kratos develop as a character in ways that perhaps players did not expect – which breathed new life into a somewhat stagnant franchise.

The game was exceptional – both visually and gameplay wise, as it featured some of the best combat mechanics on a console game. PC gamers sadly could not experience Santa Monica’s magnum opus on their high-powered rigs, but Sony now dangles a rather appealing rope to the PC audience.

This month, God of War arrives to PlayStation Now, Sony’s subscription service that allows players to stream and play the titles on offer – even on PC.

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PC players can now finally play God of War through PlayStation Now

All it takes to play PlayStation Now games on PC is simply a PSN account, an active subscription, and a compatible controller. The only catch is, the service is not yet available in India, but there have been rumours and whispers of the service possibly making its way over to the country.

While Xbox Game Pass has been dominating headlines with their insanely valuable lineup of games and quality first-party exclusives. It looks like Sony is ramping up its subscription services, with added focus on PlayStation Now – with the inclusion of heavy-hitters like Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War this month.

While Indian players can still try and make a US PSN account and subscribe to PS Now, it comes with the caveat that the latency might make the game unplayable. It will be interesting to see whether Sony goes on the aggressive with PS Now in response to Xbox and the Game Pass.

As for now, the Xbox Game Pass clearly has the lead and Sony have some catching up to this console generation in terms of subscription services.