Google’s ChromeOS Flex to Support Windows 10 PCs Which Will Become Obsolete in 2025

Users with older computer systems can shift to ChromeOS Flex when Microsoft ends support for Windows 10

  • Google provides a bailout package for Windows 10 PCs nearing the end of shelf life.
  • Users and businesses will have the option of shifting to an auto-updating version of ChromeOS Flex when Windows 10 turns obsolete.
  • Microsoft has also urged users to shift to Windows 11 at the earliest.

Google has announced that the company will provide ChromeOS Flex support to Windows 10 PCs, even as Microsoft has decided to discontinue updating the OS after October 2025. Google will also push regular updates and bug fixes in ChromeOS to prevent older systems from turning outdated for the latest security standards.

As of 2024, over 700 million desktop users continue to use Windows 10, despite the introduction of Windows 11 for almost two years. ChromeOS Flex is a lightweight operating system designed to run on minimal hardware. The highlight of this OS is its native support for Android apps, along with the Google Play Store.

ChromeOS Flex is popularly used to revive older systems, that are no longer capable of running Windows or Linux.

Microsoft’s decision to discontinue updates to Windows 10 comes as a result of two major reasons. First is the slow adoption rate of Windows 11 among existing users, and second is the challenges faced in keeping two major versions updated with the latest security patches. Keep in mind that Windows 10 was launched in 2015, nearly a decade ago.

What is ChromeOS Flex?

Although ChromeOS Flex is not an actual replacement for Windows, it provides enough resources for users to keep running their older hardware for basic tasks like document editing, emails, web browsing, etc.

Google’s initiative to extend ChromeOS Flex support will also help the OS gain popularity in the desktop market, which is currently dominated by Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Unlike the regular ChromeOS which is limited to Chromebooks and Chromeboxes, ChromeOS Flex is compatible with almost every hardware that can run Windows and Linux. Users can also install it on older Macbooks. It also supports cloud features, allowing users to manage other ChromeOS devices in the same network. Google says that ChromeOS Flex is enterprise-ready, and capable of being used as primary software at an organization level.

Of course, Microsoft wants Windows 10 users to upgrade to the latest Windows 11 version. The company is providing ample time to users before rendering Windows 10 to the end of its shelf life. Although users will be able to use their Windows 10 systems even after October 2025, it won’t be a good idea to use an outdated OS as it may result in compatibility issues with certain apps and software.