Xiaomi India has appointed a new General Manager. The company announced that Alvin Tse will now spearhead Xiaomi India operations as the company’s new General Manager. Tse will replace Manu Kumar Jaan, who was previously the Managing Director of Xiaomi India. Jain moved to a larger role as a global Vice President for Xiaomi last year.
Since Jain’s exit last year as Xiaomi India MD, the company’s leadership team had taken responsibility for the country’s operations. The new announcement also confirms the return of Poco India’s Anuj Sharma. Sharma will join as the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) for Xiaomi India.
Xiaomi India Gets New General Manager
Xiaomi India announced that Alvin Tse will join the company as the General Manager. Tse is a Xiaomi Global founding team member. He is also a Poco founding member and the former General Manager of Xiaomi Indonesia. The company stated that Tse will join hands with the current India leadership team. Prior to Tse, Muralikrishnan B, Chief Operating Officer; Raghu Reddy, Chief Business Officer, and Sameer BS Rao, Chief Financial Officer were leading the India business fairly independently.
Tse has helped Xiaomi expand successfully into many global markets. He has worked across four of the largest smartphone and internet markets in the world. Post his transition, Tse will join hands with the India leadership team and support the company’s next phase of growth.
Xiaomi also announced that Anuj Sharma will rejoin the company as the Chief Marketing Officer. Sharma was previously the Country Director for Poco India after the company was announced as an independent brand in 2020. In his role, Sharma will spearhead the overall brand and marketing strategy for the India division.
Xiaomi has been in the news lately for multiple reasons. The company’s former MD, Manu Kumar Jain was summoned by ED and other government agencies over tax fraud charges. The government agencies seized the company’s assets worth Rs 5,550 crores, which were released later following a court order.