WhatsApp is indeed the most popular messaging apps available across the globe. The messaging platform has almost replaced SMS to be the daily driver of communicating with each other. The app has rolled out a plethora of features that make adds convenience and makes it easier to do more than just sending simple texts. Whether be it WhatsApp Status feature, video calling, voice calling, sending multiple photos and videos to your friends and more, the app is feature-loaded.
However, there is one feature that grabbed a lot of attention known as the delete message feature. With this, one can remove messages which are sent to the recipient, and no one can see it once it is deleted. There is no official way through which you can see the deleted message. But, what if we tell you that you can see deleted messages on WhatsApp? In this article, we are going to show a workaround through which you can easily read deleted messages on WhatsApp. Here’s how:
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How to Delete Message on WhatsApp?
Before telling you the trick to view deleted message on WhatsApp, it is important to know about this feature. WhatsApp introduced delete message for its users a while ago and it allows you to delete messages just for yourself or for everyone. This feature is especially handy when you accidentally sent a text to a person and now wants to delete it. So, here’s how you can delete message for everyone on WhatsApp:
- Open WhatsApp and to go the chat containing the message you want to delete.
- Tap and hold that message. You can also select multiple messages as well.
- Tap on the Delete option at the top-right corner and then select Delete for everyone.
With this, the message will be deleted from users’ chat and will be replaced with a notification: “This message was deleted”. However, it is important to note that in order to successfully delete the message for everyone, the sender and recipients must be using the latest version of WhatsApp. Furthermore, recipients using WhatsApp for iOS may still have media you sent saved to their Photos, even after the message is deleted from the WhatsApp chat.
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How to Read Deleted Messages on WhatsApp?
So, now you know why you get ‘this message was deleted’ on your WhatsApp chat. Well, this is the time when most of us are quite curious to know what the deleted message was. Sadly, WhatsApp does not officially support any workaround to read deleted messages on its platform. However, there is an unofficial workaround for this. But it is important to note that this only works on Android. So, if you have an iOS device, chances are slim to see the deleted messages. So, without further ado, let’s see how you can read deleted WhatsApp messages.
- Go to Google Play Store, search for the WhatsRemoved+ application and install it on your Android smartphone.
- Grant the required permission to the app. Once done, you will be asked to select the app for which you want to save notifications or detect any change.
- From the list, select WhatsApp and tap on Next. You will see an option to Save Files, click on it and follow the on-screen instructions.
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Once the set up is finished, the app will store all the notifications from WhatsApp including the deleted ones. Whenever a message is deleted by someone, you can go to the WhatsRemoved+ application and click on WhatsApp to read the deleted messages.