Google I/O: Project Astra to Ask Photos, 5 New AI Announcements 

  • AI is the showstopper at Google’s I/O 2024 event.
  • The company has introduced AI to almost all its products.
  • Here are the five new AI announcements from Google.

Google is hosting its much-awaited I/O 2024 event, and as expected, the tech giant is going all in regarding artificial intelligence (AI). The company has talked about five cool new AI features that will power different Google tools across the spectrum. We have compiled five new AI announcements from Google I/O 2024. So, without further ado, let’s get straight into it.

Gemini 1.5 Pro in Google Workspace

Google has introduced Gemini 1.5 Pro in the side panel of Gmail, Docs, Drive, Slides, and Sheets. According to the company, Gemini can now answer more detailed questions and provide better insights. It will also offer summaries and handle more extensive data sets.

For example, if you get several emails from a bank every month, you can ask Gemini in the side panel in Gmail to “summarise all the emails” from it. The AI assistant will quickly give all the important information in bite-size shots.

Project Astra

According to Google, Project Astra is its new multimodal AI project, which can understand and interpret understand and interpret things you show with your smartphone’s camera. During the demo video, Google showcased Astra’s impressive capabilities: it identified various objects, pinpointed the location of the user’s glasses (remembering they were near a red apple on a desk), and even deciphered code on a screen.

Imagen 3

This marks the third iteration of Google’s text-to-image generation tool, which the company still describes as its “highest quality” model. It boasts an “incredible level of detail” for producing “photorealistic, lifelike images” with fewer artefacts.

According to Google, Imagen 3 excels at handling text more effectively and is better at managing intricate details from lengthy prompts.

Google Veo

Veo is another media creation tool from Google, but unlike image generators, It can produce “high-quality” 1080p videos from text. Google claims Veo possesses “an advanced understanding of natural language and visual semantics,” enabling it to create videos that match your vision. The AI-generated videos can exceed “a minute” in length and can incorporate cinematic and visual techniques, such as timelapse.

Ask Photos

Google Photos is getting a new Ask Photos feature powered by Google’s Gemini AI model. Launching later this summer, this feature will allow users to search their photo collections using natural language. This means you can describe what you’re looking for instead of searching for specific people, places, or things. For example, instead of searching “Delhi”, you can ask the AI to find the “My best photos from each year’s offsite.”