POCO recently confirmed that it will announce the POCO F3 GT in India sometime in Q3. The POCO F3 GT is not the only POCO handset with a GT moniker that is expected to launch in the coming months. There is also a POCO X3 GT which might launch in global markets including India in the coming months. The POCO X3 GT moniker was first spotted in MIUI Camera app code, and then we spotted the device on NBTC, as well as the Indonesia Telecom certification websites. Now, we have spotted the upcoming POCO X3 GT on yet another certification website – FCC. FCC certification confirms that the device launch is imminent.
FCC certification reveals that the upcoming X3 GT will carry model number 20161110AG, and will boot MIUI 12. The handset is confirmed to feature 2.4/5GHz connectivity, and will also offer n41, and n77 5G band in some of the markets. To those unaware, the POCO X3 GT is said to be a rebranded Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G that was introduced last month in China. The Redmi Note 10 Pro 5G is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 1100 mobile processor, that is built on a 6nm fabrication process.